What is FUE Hair Transplantation, How Can It Be Practiced and After? What is FUE Hair Transplantation?
In the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, hair follicles are placed one by one with special ended micro motors, taking into account balding areas, natural hair angles and direction under local anesthesia.
Today, the majority of hair transplant operations are performed by the FUE method. Since there is no surgical intervention, patients are more likely to decide easily and prefer this technique.
How Is FUE Hair Transplantation Done?
In the FUE method, hair is removed and transferred to the balding areas. Before follicle removal, the donor area is cut short to 1 mm. Hair follicles are removed with the help of local anesthetic drug and the area to be planted becomes numb. The Micro Motor tip is directed to the middle of the hair bristle. Then it is immersed and pulled out considering the exit angle of the bristle. The hair, together with the follicle and the microscopic tissue surrounding it, is cut in a cylindrical shape. It is gently pulled with a micro-forceps and the follicular unit comes from the loose surface. This automatic system minimizes the damage of the grafts in the operation and shortens the operation time and increases the number of grafts taken. After the follicular units are collected, they are placed in much smaller holes formed in the bald area. Each follicular unit contains an average of 2 to 3 follicles.
After FUE Hair Transplantation
Discharge of Patient
Patients aren’t required to be in hospital. They are discharged after operation. A special bandage is done to the area which tissue is extracted. Therefore, it isn’t aesthetically contacted to the outer world.
Things to Do at Home
Patient should stay at home for 2 days after operation. Patient shouldn’t do anything except for necessary daily works. However, he can do desk jobs and use computer provided that he doesn’t lower his head.
First Wash
The first wash should be done after experts check at hospital and clinic. It should be done after 24 hours at the earliest and 72 hours at the latest. Firstly, some softening lotion should be applied in order to get the bloods in the transplanted area soften and this lotion should be waited for 20-45 minutes. After this process, hair is cleansed by rinsing with warm water and then both transplanted area and extracted area are washed with a special medical shampoo. Finger tips and palms should be used and nails are abstained to use while washing. Hair should be dried with paper towel without chafing hair by dehumidifing after washing. The dose of washing should be increased every passing day and any shell, residue and dried blood should not be observed in the hairy skin after -approximately days. This process should be repeated every day and normal washing habit is done after 15 days. After 15 days, patient can wash his hair every day if he wants or he can wash less frequently. He can take shower more than one in a day but it isn’t suggested to shampoo hair more than one in a day.
Hair Growth Process
Hair sheds within the first 3 weeks after transplantation in such a way that its root is in it. Actually, it is called as “shock loss”. These roots which wait during 90 days after transplantation start to grow after this process. Since some parts of hair grow every day, this process is natural. After approximately 8-10 months, all hair grow (the possibility of loss is 3 % in the normal circumstances).